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The disc (in blue) is a common cause
for Temporomandibular Joint pain
and limitation in mouth opening.
Specialist Temporomandibular Physiotherapy assessment at TMJ Physio
Temporomandibular joint pain is common with Bruxism and clenching
Mouth opening is commonly limited in Temporomandibular joint disorders
and can be effectively treated with Specialist TMJ Physiotherapy at TMJ Physio
Specialist Temporomandibular Joint Physiotherapy
• Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation
• Myofascial Release
• Acupuncture
• Electrotherapy
• Exercise therapy
• Advice and Guidance
TMJ Physio is a Physiotherapy practice dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of Temporomandibular dysfunction.
It is estimated that approximately 20-30% of the general population are affected by TMJ pain by some degree. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is an umbrella term for pain within the TMJ and its surrounding structures including the muscles.
There are many conditions that can affect your TMJ, these are collectively known as Temporomandibular disorders or TMD. TMD can be broadly grouped into disorders affecting your muscles and dysfunctions affecting your TMJ.